Our Chair of Governors is : Alan S and Vice Chair is Mr Steve R. They can be contacted via the School Office.
Full Governing Body consists of 11 members
Ann-Marie Moore - Headteacher
Alan Smithies - Foundation Governor & Chair
Steve Rouch - Foundation Governor & Vice Chair
Cathi Hughes - Staff Governor
Suzanne Evans - Staff Governor
Andrea Collier - Parent Governor
Yvonne Turner - Parent Governor
Helen Kilroe - Parent Governor
Jeanette HUdson - Co-opted
Jackie Salim-Smith - Co-opted
Clerk to the Governing Body is Lynne Churchill
Quorate full governing body meeting - 6 members
Committees (Quorate 3 members)
Finance, Personnel & Premises
Chair: Alan S
Learning & Teaching
Chair Steve R
Discipline / Grievance
To be convened when required
To be convened when required
HT Performance Management
Chaired by Chair of Governors
Annual Governance report 2020.pdf
All governors are asked annually to complete a 'Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests Form', a copy of which can be found here:
Register of Business and Pecuniary Interest Declaration Form
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact the Headteacher or click on the link below:
For more information on the role of school governors visit the Department for Education website
Our Chair of Governors is : Alan S and Vice Chair is Mr Steve R. They can be contacted via the School Office.
Full Governing Body consists of 11 members
Ann-Marie Moore - Headteacher
Alan Smithies - Foundation Governor & Chair
Steve Rouch - Foundation Governor & Vice Chair
Cathi Hughes - Staff Governor
Suzanne Evans - Staff Governor
Andrea Collier - Parent Governor
Yvonne Turner - Parent Governor
Helen Kilroe - Parent Governor
Jeanette HUdson - Co-opted
Jackie Salim-Smith - Co-opted
Clerk to the Governing Body is Lynne Churchill
Quorate full governing body meeting - 6 members
Committees (Quorate 3 members)
Finance, Personnel & Premises
Chair: Alan S
Learning & Teaching
Chair Steve R
Discipline / Grievance
To be convened when required
To be convened when required
HT Performance Management
Chaired by Chair of Governors
Annual Governance report 2020.pdf
All governors are asked annually to complete a 'Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests Form', a copy of which can be found here:
Register of Business and Pecuniary Interest Declaration Form
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact the Headteacher or click on the link below:
For more information on the role of school governors visit the Department for Education website
Our Chair of Governors is : Alan S and Vice Chair is Mr Steve R. They can be contacted via the School Office.
Full Governing Body consists of 11 members
Ann-Marie Moore - Headteacher
Alan Smithies - Foundation Governor & Chair
Steve Rouch - Foundation Governor & Vice Chair
Cathi Hughes - Staff Governor
Suzanne Evans - Staff Governor
Andrea Collier - Parent Governor
Yvonne Turner - Parent Governor
Helen Kilroe - Parent Governor
Jeanette HUdson - Co-opted
Jackie Salim-Smith - Co-opted
Clerk to the Governing Body is Lynne Churchill
Quorate full governing body meeting - 6 members
Committees (Quorate 3 members)
Finance, Personnel & Premises
Chair: Alan S
Learning & Teaching
Chair Steve R
Discipline / Grievance
To be convened when required
To be convened when required
HT Performance Management
Chaired by Chair of Governors
Annual Governance report 2020.pdf
All governors are asked annually to complete a 'Declaration of Business and Pecuniary Interests Form', a copy of which can be found here:
Register of Business and Pecuniary Interest Declaration Form
If you are interested in becoming a School Governor, please contact the Headteacher or click on the link below:
For more information on the role of school governors visit the Department for Education website