Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

At Broadgreen Primary School, we consider those children with special educational needs, additional needs and disabilities to be entitled to the same high-quality level of provision as all pupils. Inclusive practice runs deep within the school and, as such, the below information provided outlines the philosophy and vision of the school.


Miss McClune is our SENDCo and she can be contacted via email on a.mcclune@broadgreenprimary.org.uk  

The SEND governor is Mrs A Collier

For a copy of our SEND policy please click on the link below and you will also find a link to our Pupil Profile document. This is an Individual Education Plan that identifies the needs and provision of all our pupils who are on the SEND Register, the Pupil Profile is shared with both pupils and parents on a termly basis.


Interventions @ BGP

Our pupil’s educational needs will change throughout their time here at Broadgreen Primary School. In most cases, quality first teaching by the child’s class teacher and class Learning Support Assistant will meet most needs. Some children will require extra support in the form of small group work, one-to-one tuition, precision teaching techniques or other forms of specialised teaching approaches. Occasionally, external agencies will be brought in to offer specialised teaching support or training for staff.

Within Broadgreen Primary School, additional support is offered after staff discussions with the Headteacher through termly pupil progress meetings. Where a child needs further support, extra intervention groups are offered to support the pupil in question. Specialised intervention sessions in all areas of the core curriculum ensure that pupils have their additional needs met. 

Supporting the children with pastoral care and social issues is Ms Sophie Leyshon, Pastoral Support Officer (part time), who works with all year groups and has a wide remit in ensuring that all aspects of our pupils’ safety and welfare, including attendance, is met. 

Below, you will find links to all major policies and documents that support pupils with additional needs. 

SEND policy

Graduated Approach

SEN Report 

Accessibility Plan

Inclusion Quality Mark Report

Broadgreen Primary School also works in cooperation with a number of other schools in the East 3 Consortium where skills and resources are shared, ensuring that a breadth of knowledge and collaborative practices are employed.

Liverpool’s Local Offer website is now live. You can find information about services available in the city for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The website sits in the Early Help Directory (formerly the Family Services Directory).

Liverpool Local Offer

10082497 Liverpool City Council 80485 PDF Final.pdf


You may also find these links useful

 There are other useful links on our Mental Health and Wellbeing pages.

Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School
Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

At Broadgreen Primary School, we consider those children with special educational needs, additional needs and disabilities to be entitled to the same high-quality level of provision as all pupils. Inclusive practice runs deep within the school and, as such, the below information provided outlines the philosophy and vision of the school.


Miss McClune is our SENDCo and she can be contacted via email on a.mcclune@broadgreenprimary.org.uk  

The SEND governor is Mrs A Collier

For a copy of our SEND policy please click on the link below and you will also find a link to our Pupil Profile document. This is an Individual Education Plan that identifies the needs and provision of all our pupils who are on the SEND Register, the Pupil Profile is shared with both pupils and parents on a termly basis.


Interventions @ BGP

Our pupil’s educational needs will change throughout their time here at Broadgreen Primary School. In most cases, quality first teaching by the child’s class teacher and class Learning Support Assistant will meet most needs. Some children will require extra support in the form of small group work, one-to-one tuition, precision teaching techniques or other forms of specialised teaching approaches. Occasionally, external agencies will be brought in to offer specialised teaching support or training for staff.

Within Broadgreen Primary School, additional support is offered after staff discussions with the Headteacher through termly pupil progress meetings. Where a child needs further support, extra intervention groups are offered to support the pupil in question. Specialised intervention sessions in all areas of the core curriculum ensure that pupils have their additional needs met. 

Supporting the children with pastoral care and social issues is Ms Sophie Leyshon, Pastoral Support Officer (part time), who works with all year groups and has a wide remit in ensuring that all aspects of our pupils’ safety and welfare, including attendance, is met. 

Below, you will find links to all major policies and documents that support pupils with additional needs. 

SEND policy

Graduated Approach

SEN Report 

Accessibility Plan

Inclusion Quality Mark Report

Broadgreen Primary School also works in cooperation with a number of other schools in the East 3 Consortium where skills and resources are shared, ensuring that a breadth of knowledge and collaborative practices are employed.

Liverpool’s Local Offer website is now live. You can find information about services available in the city for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The website sits in the Early Help Directory (formerly the Family Services Directory).

Liverpool Local Offer

10082497 Liverpool City Council 80485 PDF Final.pdf


You may also find these links useful

 There are other useful links on our Mental Health and Wellbeing pages.

Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School
Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School

Special Educational Needs & Disability (SEND)

At Broadgreen Primary School, we consider those children with special educational needs, additional needs and disabilities to be entitled to the same high-quality level of provision as all pupils. Inclusive practice runs deep within the school and, as such, the below information provided outlines the philosophy and vision of the school.


Miss McClune is our SENDCo and she can be contacted via email on a.mcclune@broadgreenprimary.org.uk  

The SEND governor is Mrs A Collier

For a copy of our SEND policy please click on the link below and you will also find a link to our Pupil Profile document. This is an Individual Education Plan that identifies the needs and provision of all our pupils who are on the SEND Register, the Pupil Profile is shared with both pupils and parents on a termly basis.


Interventions @ BGP

Our pupil’s educational needs will change throughout their time here at Broadgreen Primary School. In most cases, quality first teaching by the child’s class teacher and class Learning Support Assistant will meet most needs. Some children will require extra support in the form of small group work, one-to-one tuition, precision teaching techniques or other forms of specialised teaching approaches. Occasionally, external agencies will be brought in to offer specialised teaching support or training for staff.

Within Broadgreen Primary School, additional support is offered after staff discussions with the Headteacher through termly pupil progress meetings. Where a child needs further support, extra intervention groups are offered to support the pupil in question. Specialised intervention sessions in all areas of the core curriculum ensure that pupils have their additional needs met. 

Supporting the children with pastoral care and social issues is Ms Sophie Leyshon, Pastoral Support Officer (part time), who works with all year groups and has a wide remit in ensuring that all aspects of our pupils’ safety and welfare, including attendance, is met. 

Below, you will find links to all major policies and documents that support pupils with additional needs. 

SEND policy

Graduated Approach

SEN Report 

Accessibility Plan

Inclusion Quality Mark Report

Broadgreen Primary School also works in cooperation with a number of other schools in the East 3 Consortium where skills and resources are shared, ensuring that a breadth of knowledge and collaborative practices are employed.

Liverpool’s Local Offer website is now live. You can find information about services available in the city for children and young people with special educational needs and disabilities. The website sits in the Early Help Directory (formerly the Family Services Directory).

Liverpool Local Offer

10082497 Liverpool City Council 80485 PDF Final.pdf


You may also find these links useful

 There are other useful links on our Mental Health and Wellbeing pages.

Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School
Mental Health Gold
Mental Health Gold
Attendance Quality Mark
Attendance Quality Mark
ADHD Friendly School
ADHD Friendly School